Saturday 20 September 2014


 This September has been crazy so far. I'm very sorry that I have posted in a few weeks. I'm in transition year this year and right now I'm trying to organising work experience, constantly emailing people and also looking for community care! I have to do a sport/physical excercise for 13 weeks and learn a skill for 26 weeks. I'm not a sporty person so I'm just going to the gym. And as for a skill, I'm going back to learning guitar! Anyway, I'm going to try write 2 or 3 posts tonight so that I can post them over the next few weeks. At the end of my school year, I was thinking of doing a post on my experience in transition year & how it has changed me etc. so if you would like to see that let me know! Hopefully I'll have a new post up tonight or tomorrow morning!

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday 2 September 2014

End of summer haul!

Hello! I just got back from Wales. I was there with my family and my friend Tara. I had a great week! I started transition year two days ago and so far I'm not that into it but hopefully it will get better as the year progresses. Anyway, I have bought a good few things over the past month so I thought I'd share with you what I got! 

On sale for €1 in penny's/primark!

Wine and white striped dress//Forever 21

Plaid shirt//penny's

Converse I got on sale from Office.

Sparkly black platforms//no name

Grey drop-waist dress//TopShop 

Black drop-waist dress//penny's

I bought a good few things in Wales but I decided to do a separate post on that so expect that later this week! 
Thank you, 
Chloe x